About Us

Alpha Lambda Delta is a National Honor Society for First Year Students. The UConn chapter of ALD is part of a national organization dedicated to the encouragement and celebration of academic success. ALD is an organization rich in history, and our chapter has a strong and active Executive Board composed of students who work hard to make ALD a presence on campus. Want to know more? Check out what membership means here.



At UConn Alpha Lambda Delta, we use a point-based incentive system using the following criteria:

2 points for:

Using #ALDHuskies

5 points for:

Attending a general meeting

Attending an academic, event planning, or social event

Applying for a National or Local ALD Scholarship

10 points for:

Writing an article for the ALD Newsletter (one time per Newsletter)

Volunteering at an event for an hour or more

Volunteering at a community service event (nursing home visit, etc.)

20 points for:

Attending an overnight event

30 points for:

Acting as captain of an ALD team at an event



What can members of UConn ALD get with points?

  • Scholarships
  • Annual cash prizes
  • Free honor cords to wear at graduation



To learn more, watch a short video produced by National ALD entitled “What is Alpha Lambda Delta“.



Award-Winning UConn ALD Scrapbook

Click the link to see “Why Join Alpha Lambda Delta” Why Join?