Alpha Lambda Delta is a National Honor Society for First Year Students. The UConn chapter of ALD is part of a national organization dedicated to the encouragement and celebration of academic success. ALD is an organization rich in history, and our chapter has an active Executive Board composed of students committed to leadership and community involvement. Want to know more? Check out what membership means here.
At UConn Alpha Lambda Delta, we utilize a point-based incentive system using the following criteria:
Events Worth 5 Points:
- attending general member meetings
- attending social or academic events
- attending on campus volunteering events
Events Worth 10 Points:
- writing for the newsletter
- off-campus community service events, ie. soup kitchen
What can members of UConn ALD get with points?
- better chance at receiving scholarships
- free graduation regalia
Point Breakdown for Regalia:
- 70 points – ALD Honor Cord
- 80 points – ALD Medallion
- 90 points – ALD Honor Cord + Medallion
- 100 points – ALD Honor Stole
To learn more, watch a short video produced by National ALD entitled “Why John Alpha Lambda Delta”