NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.
In ALD, there are incredible leadership opportunities for the potential of upward mobility. Executive Board members are crucial in contributing to the success of the UConn chapter and all of its individual members. The Executive Board consists of a variety of positions, allowing members to take on leadership roles in areas that align with their interests and strengths.
Each Executive Board member is expected to fulfill their duties as outlined in their position description in order to ensure efficient and effective chapter operations. You are also expected to attend weekly Executive Board meetings, attend some ALD events, the annual Induction Ceremony, and have fun while developing valuable leadership skills!
Executive Board elections are held each spring following the annual Induction Ceremony. Any member, including newly inducted members, can run for any Executive Board position with the exception of the President and Vice President positions, which are elected from within the Executive Board.
E-Board Positions
The President is the presiding officer with general supervision over the development of the entire club and meetings. The President is responsible for all paperwork submission and interaction with other University organizations and national Alpha Lambda Delta. The President is responsible for generating an interest in Alpha Lambda Delta among current and prospective members.Additionally, they maintain communication between officers, advisors, and members and are aware of all facets of Alpha Lambda Delta.
Donelia Porter
Vice President
The Vice President works closely with the President in planning and execution of chapter business. The Vice President is responsible for creating grants and scholarships to be issued by Alpha Lambda Delta. They shall play an integral role in the recruitment of new members and the processing of new member applications. They should be knowledgeable of how the organization operates and take over the President’s responsibilities if the President is unable to do so.
Damini Lakshmipathy
The Secretary handles all correspondence within and outside Alpha Lambda Delta. They are responsible for keeping a record of clear, accurate, and organized notes and reports, including meeting minutes at Executive Board meetings. Additionally, they track attendance at meetings and events and maintain the data of member’s point totals.
Alexa Norquist
Chief Financial Officer
The CFO handles all financial affairs of the Alpha Lambda Delta UConn chapter. They are responsible for collecting, depositing, and withdrawing funds as well as paying bills, keeping accurate records of all transactions, and monitoring the organization’s budget. They also prepare a monthly financial report and keep the organization informed about their financial status.
Jeffrey Wu
Academic Chair
The Academic Enrichment Chair is responsible for finding and organizing various academic opportunities for Alpha Lambda Delta members. Examples of these opportunities include, undergraduate research opportunities, career building seminars, lecture series, and skill building workshops.
Phoebe Mann
Community Outreach Chair
The Community Outreach Chair is responsible for finding and organizing community service opportunities in the local or surrounding areas for Alpha Lambda Delta members to participate in.
Grace Diskin
Major Events Chair
The Major Events Coordinator is responsible for planning annual campus-wide Alpha Lambda Delta events and coordinating with relevant services on and off campus during the process of organizing these events.
Atif Madad
Social Chair
The Social Chair is responsible for planning social events specifically for Alpha Lambda Delta members to take part in that will further promote being a more active member of ALD and create a better sense of community amongst all members.
Kyra Johnson
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair is responsible for maintaining and updating any of Alpha Lambda Delta’s email and social media accounts including, but not limited to,: ALD Gmail account, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, UConntact, Instagram and our website.
Jaia James
Newsletter Chair
The Newsletter Chair is responsible for creating the newsletter that documents our chapter’s events and involvements. The newsletter is released at the end of each semester and is distributed to Alpha Lambda Delta members.
Lydia Sutton
The chapter Advisor acts as a mentor, liaison, and an overall resource to the Executive Board.